
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
Saturday Sep 22, 2018
What if HR customers had a way of assessing the quality of the partners servicing their implementations? Would less projects run into budget and scope problems - or outright failure. Well, now they do, thanks to the upstarts at Raven Intel. During "HR tech week" in Las Vegas, at SuccessConnect 2018, Jon sat down with Bonnie Tinder and Michele of Raven Intel on the day of their official launch to dig into the motivations behind their mission - and business model. To coincide with their launch, Raven Intel released a study of 100 initial SAP customers and their experiences with consulting partners and HR vendors (see: HCM Implementation Report, 2018). Jon asks Bonnie and Michelle about the lessons they took from their study, and how troubled HR tech projects can become better HR tech projects. Bonnie and Michele explain why their approach is different than the big vendor peer review sites that are picking up steam. Jon also asks about the challenges they may face as they get customers to evaluate major consulting partners that aren't used to being publicly evaluated. Sidenote: Bonnie and Michele are childhood friends who have always wanted to work together - now they get their chance. Of the two, Bonnie speaks first on the podcast. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
In their first online talk in several years, Jon Reed of www.diginomica.com is reunited with one of his old school guests for a fresh talk on the problem of hiring data science skills - and what to do about it. Vijayasankar details the types of data science skills that a data science team needs, and where the hiring gaps are. There's plenty of advice for individuals on how to fill those gaps. The guys also hit on the problem of algorithmic bias, and issues of diversity in data science. Note: this is the audio-only version of this chat. You can catch the video version on Jon's youtube: youtube.com/jonathanwreed. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday Sep 16, 2018
SAP SuccessConnect 2018 - the unscripted review with Jarret Pazahanick
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
In this in-depth on-site conversation, Jon Reed and SAP SuccessFactors expert and customer advocate Jarret Pazahanick break out what they've learned from a hectic two days in Vegas. The guys hit on the show's highs and lows, from news to executive keynotes to a powerful closer from Michael J. Fox. Jon asks Pazahanick to elaborate on his critique of the SuccessFactors partner and certification approach - and what needs to change. The 60 minute talk is a gut check from what Pazahanick heard at the SuccessFactors influencer event last spring, and where we are now. Jon asks Jarret to address the "Jarret is a Workday fanboy" jabs he gets from time to time. The guys leave with a view of where SuccessFactors needs to go from here, and some continuing mysteries around payroll as a cloud service - something Jon will be addressing more fully in an upcoming diginomica article. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
In their last sit-down of the spring event season, Brian and Jon huddle in the Alexa-free environment of FinancialForce Community Live 2018 to break down FinancialForce's goals and obstacles. Topics include the push for modern ERP and servitization, the pros and cons of their Salesforce platform play, and the keys to their current growth rate. The guys break out their talks with FinancialForce executives and customers and talk about what needs to happen next. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Thursday Jun 21, 2018
The implausible enterprise - an underground podcast with Esteban Kolsky
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
In this impromptu/underground recording with the implausible Esteban Kolsky, the guys grab some time as Salesforce Connections to discuss the future of the enterprise. Two Kolsky blog posts are up for consideration, one on his enterprise software priorities, the other on AI misconceptions. Since this taping is at a CX event, the guys also get into the epic problem of delivering a halfway-decent customer experience across channels. Doing their best with Jon's backup recording, Jon also takes the chance to ask Esteban the burning question: why are you such a grouchy *!*. That leads into a discussion of the vital role of the enterprise idealist/curmuedgeon, or, gadfly. At the end of the thirty minute chat, the meaning of the "implausible" Esteban Kolsky is revealed. Producer's note: this had to be taped on the backup of Jon's backup recorder, but hopefully the listening experience was improved decently for you during production. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
In their second podcast from Sapphire Now 2018, Jon Reed and guest Brian Dennett move on from SAPpy talk to discuss Brian's startup, Enable AI, and why they are taking a practical approach to AI as augmented intelligence. Brian shares his view on why AI and ML are getting market traction, and the customer problems that Enable AI is tackling. Brian also advises on how companies should get started with "AI," and why data scientists are not necessarily required. Though this is not an SAP-focused podcast, the guys briefly touch on how customer-focused AI projects tie into a C/4HANA and Leonardo context at one point or another. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sapphire Now 2018 in review - with Brian Dennett of Enable AI
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
In Jon's annual Sapphire Now event review, he has a new guest, Brian Dennett of Enable AI, who was also part of the SAP blogger program coverage. Jon and Brian hash out the messages of the show, including the "intelligent enterprise" messaging and whether the Leonardo aspects actually made sense this year. They discuss Brian's pick for the sleeper announcement of the show, Master Data Management as a service, and why it matters. The guys share their findings from their often-spirited blogger sessions; Brian explains why has a philosophical difference with SAP on their "AI" approach. The guys wrap by giving their letter grades for the show, and Jon airs a couple of SAP gripes. Note: this recording was made on Jon's backup recording rig due to a microphone failure. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday May 27, 2018
Sunday May 27, 2018
In this lightly-edited version of Jon's Western Mass Podcamp 2018 workshop discussion, Jon presents his advanced content method for using deep work as a way of differentiating your business. This interactive content strategy session builds on themes of content positioning, avoiding social media marketing overdose, the power of curation, and earning sustained attention by building opt-in communities. Audience members pose questions and Jon provides some coaching on content and business challenges, from content formats to ebooks to SEO. This is the second of two related podcasts - the first one covered how to reach today's informed buyer (and their networks). Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday May 20, 2018
The enterprise event season halfpoint review show - with Reed and Sommer
Sunday May 20, 2018
Sunday May 20, 2018
We're halfway through the enterprise event season folks - so it's time for the sassy halftime review with Jon Reed and Brian Sommer. Taped at IFS World, this informal, unrehearsed podcast finds the guys in a chippy mood, with a few sacred cows taken off to pasture and a few chips off of Brian's shoulder. The overuse of IoT and AI buzzwords is mocked, as well as the problem of systems that claim to be next-gen but are integration nightmares with a long time to value. The guys end on a high note with a couple of Brian's vendors to watch. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes

Sunday May 06, 2018
Servitization and the push to modern ERP manufacturing - an IFS World review
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
In this interactive live discussion from Western Mass Podcamp 2018, Jon shares his views on researching the so-called informed buyer, and why marketing and sales must change. Participants from the session share their own challenges, and Jon hits on the dynamics of winning (and sustaining) attention, and why topic authority and opt-in audiences are essential. He explains why social media is useless without content, and why content is useless without a clear business identity. The role of subscription and curation is discussed. (Jon did a related session that continues these themes with a look at the power of immersive creativity; look out for that podcast soon). Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Acumatica Summit 2018 in review - the quest for modern ERP
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
In their Nashville sit down, Brian Sommer and Jon Reed break down Acumatica Summit 2018, with an eye towards what constitutes modern ERP software (and modern go-to-market). The guys discuss the big takeaways and talk about the reasons behind Acumatica's growth surge. Topics include the challenge ERP vendors face with external (big) data and IoT, as well as Acumatica's approach to next-gen (AI, ML, etc). They wrap by discussing Acumatica's challenges and what other vendors can learn from their approach. Note: several articles referred to in this podcast can be read on diginomica.com. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Saturday Dec 16, 2017
XeroCon 2 - blockchain, AI, and arguing about banking innovation
Saturday Dec 16, 2017
Saturday Dec 16, 2017
In part two of their XeroCon 2017 sit down, Jon Reed and Brian Sommer continue hashing what XeroCon needs to do for cloud financials traction in the U.S. They move on to discuss Xero's stance on cryptocurrency and blockchain, and more on AI and predictive. Jon also tricks Brian into revisiting his argument with the banking panel on the lack of big bank innovation. Finally, Brian and Jon unveil their name for Xero's chatbot (which has yet to issue any chatbot announcements or plans, but Brian and Jon are trying to stay ahead of this curve).Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
In the short version of Jon's chat with Brian Sommer at XeroCon 2017, the guys settle into their makeshift podcast bunker to talk about how accountants are faring in their tech-driven push to become advisors - and why the surge of automation is forcing the issue. Alexa can't save them from Austin's crud weather, but they persist. The guys talk about the pros and cons of Xero's plans for US expansion, and what value their users are deriving from a cloud financials platform. They kick around Xero's practical take on AI, and why automation could prove to be an asset for accountants that get ahead of the curve. LISTENER'S NOTE: The extended full Xero discussion will come out later this week. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Saturday Nov 18, 2017
Saturday Nov 18, 2017
In their Barcelona tradition, Jon Reed of diginomica and SAP Mentor and cloud expert Dick Hirsch review the news, debates, and questions from SAP TechEd Barcelona 2017. They break down what they learned on Leonardo, along with questions about how SAP got away from process expertise in their positioning. Separating hype from reality includes a review of SAP's blockchain pursuits, and why cloud requires a different level of pricing transparency. Can SAP flip the pricing script? The guys also hit on SAP's multi-cloud ambitions, including the Google partnership, and Jon reveals what he learned - or didn't - on the Android SDK possibility in the future. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Teamability and the art - and gotchas - of team-building
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
In this live podcast from Constellation Research's Connected Enterprise 2017, Jon talks with the Teamability team about why team building is hard - and the unique method they bring. With the occasional bird chirping during our outdoor taping session, CEO Dr. Janice Presser and COO Mark Talaba share field examples and explain why the science of team building goes far beyond "good" and "bad" teams.
Jon also gets into his own experience being tested by Teamability, what he learned, and the three podcasters kick around the ups and downs of teams until it's time for Mark's Uber to the airport - then Jon issues the ultimate Teamability challenge. Dr. Janice Presser is also the author of the new book @Dr. Janice - Timing isn't Everyhing. Teaming is. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday Oct 15, 2017
Sunday Oct 15, 2017
In this in-depth conversation with Paul Ovigele of ERPfixers, Ovigele gives an frank look at his goal of using an Uber-like platform to provide SAP customers with a new option to get their questions answered. Jon Reed of diginomica.com talks with Ovigele about the challenges ERPfixers has faced during a live sit down at SAP Controlling 2017. They also discuss the need for consulting to change - just like cloud has changed software business models. Jon also gets Ovigele's answers to reader questions from a diginomica piece on ERPfixers - and the guys kick around the potential of the platform, for SAP and beyond, until they run out of time. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Talking Acumatica, modern ERP and business change with Brian Sommer
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
Sunday Sep 17, 2017
During this informal chat after the Acumatica analyst and R2 launch event, Jon Reed and Brian Sommer of diginomica delve into the role of modern ERP in the push towards business model change. After hashing out the latest Acumatica announcements, the guys talk about the components of modern ERP (UX, platform, data visibility) and why ring fending ERP is problematic when it comes to pursuing digital projects and integrating new external data sources. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Growing your business with content - an interactive Podcamp presentation
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
In this edited version of his Western Mass Podcamp 2017 session, Growing your business with content, Jon talks about the power of content and the impact of the digital economy on how content is consumed. The key question: how can you use content to win business by earning trust, opt-ins, and audiences? Session participants, including Claudia Gere, chime in here and there and pose questions. Note: there are a few swear words on this podcast so it's not safe for certain workplaces. Also check the itunes channel for the full podcast archives. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.

Sunday Jun 25, 2017
FinancialForce Community Live - the podcast review
Sunday Jun 25, 2017
Sunday Jun 25, 2017
During this live on-site podcast with Jon Reed of diginomica and the usual suspect Brian Sommer (also a diginomica contributor), the guys hash out what they learned from a newsworthy FinancialForce user conference. This was the first time media/analysts were invited to a FinancialForce user conference, which generated plenty of discussions on customer value and sparks on the ADP partner announcement. Jon gets into highlights from the slew of customers FinancialForce lined up for him. Sommer shares why he was looking for more on big data and AI, and the guys discuss partner strategy, verticals, and yes - revenue recognition - aka "The CIO's Y2K." Brian also explains his mysterious lack of suit and tie and why he was spotted in a Las Vegas golf shirt. Yes, you can get Busting the Omnichannel on iTunes.